Oh how God loves to create
The giraffe with his looong neck
Bears who like to roam
Camels; all over the desert they trek.
Black panthers
Pretty pink flamingos
Prickly spiky porcupines
And zebras, with their striped lines.
Elephants with their long trunks
Cats with their sweet, "meow"
Playful whales
And the grazing cow.
Bees, buz, buz, buz
Bugs of all different shapes and sizes
Birds flying high in the sky
Pelicans - low over the water, they fly.

Woof woof barks the dog
Horses neigh
Magpies sing
And many crows make a din.

The dingo roams
The kangaroo hops
The koala climbs
To the tree tops.

In the beginning
God made all the animals on the earth
And indeed they were very good
To God, they were of much worth.

Genesis 1:31: Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
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