God made us in His own image
He loved creating us and our earthly home
He spent time visiting us in the cool of the day
He would come and say gidday.
God created
He is Creator
Some of those God had created, chose to defect
Out they trekked.
Satan came down
He came down and caused chaos
His scheming worked
In a serpent, he lurked.
Adam and his wife had now eaten
From the only off-limits tree
They consciously decided to take and eat
What was not theirs to take and eat.
Satan had brought Eve's focus
To this one tree
Saying, you will not die;
But like God you will be.
But in their day
Adam and Eve did die
Full of sin and shame
While neither accepting the blame.
With Adam and Eve being our first parents
Man has struggled with sin ever since
But God didn't walk away
He chose to stay.
Sin entered the world through one man; Adam
And death came through sin
But God did not abandon us
He stayed with us through thick and thin.
Jesus Christ paid the ransom
He chose to lay down His own life
We were redeemed by God's own Son
Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Genesis 2:16-17, 3:1, 3:4-6, 3:8-9, 3:12-13.
Romans 5:12, 5:17.
John 10:18, 14:6. James 1:15.
To see books that I have written/co-written, please go to: https://www.facebook.com/Sonshine-Books-192637758172968/
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