Some tried to put out the Light
The Light was put in darkness, for 3 nights, and 3 days,
They thought this was the end; foes, strangers,
And finally even His friends parted and went their own ways.
He gave His life a ransom for many
All those who would come to Him
He laid His life down
But death could not hold the One who wears the Crown.

Death and darkness once went hand in hand
But this is no longer true
Although we may die, we can have life,
Through Jesus, we can have life anew!
It is finished, He cried!
His spirit He then gave up
Enveloped in darkness
He had drunk the cup.
All thought this was the end
Many felt lost, sad and bewildered
Why had He come?
The last three years were now a mystery, and somewhat blurred.
But death and darkness could not hold Him
The Light emerged from the dark stronghold
Leaving the tomb empty
To Jesus' disciples Mary went and told.
God's sun might shine into the dark open tomb
But God's Son shines into the dark cold world
Jesus is the true Light which gives light to every man
Of every tribe, nation, and every clan.

Bible verses: John 1:6-9. John Chapter 20.
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