They saw His Star
His Star had their gaze
To those who had come from afar;
Each day's journey brought them closer
To, His Star.

Behold, wise men
Looking for He whose Star was shining ever so brightly:
King of the Jews!
Wise men came
With their front page news.
They came to worship
Following His Star
But not all were pleased with their news
Actually, they were troubled
And started searching for clues.
The King of the Jews had been born
The wise wanted to worship Him
But those who were troubled wanted Him gone
They were threatened by this Star
That the wise men had seen from afar.
These wise men brought gifts
To Him whose Star they had followed
Gold, frankincense and myrrh
Gifts to the King of Kings
Wise men know, that salvation He brings!
Matthew 2:1-12.