I invite you to read my poem:
What is hope?
Something longed for.
Worldly hope is just a desire floating around
But Living Hope is amongst us
An Anchor - weighty and strong
A heavy Rock song.
Living Hope has a name
And His Name is Jesus
Living Hope is not built on circumstances
Circumstances rise and fall
But Living Hope endures
A permanent, living wall.
Living Hope is abiding
Living Hope is strong and sure
Living Hope is alive
Living Hope is real
Living Hope is Jesus
Living Hope; no-one can rob you of, or steal.
Hebrews 6:19-20, 1 Peter 1:3.
To see the books I have written/co-written, please go to:
I invite you to read my poem.
No matter what's going on
In your life
Or around you
Even much strife
When madness is rife
Cling on to Him for dear life.
Tossed about in an endless sea
Waves so much higher than you
They come relentlessly
Crashing down upon you
Breathers are few
You become tired and blue.
Some days you are so consumed
You can not see the Light
You may not see Him
But don't ever doubt
And never stop putting your trust
In the One Who will break the drought!
To see books that I have written/co-written, please go to:
I invite you to read my poem.
It is the care of another who can't care for themselves
Those who are looking for someone to hug and to share
For someone who will give them selfless love and care.

Someone who will watch them dance
Someone who will listen to them sing
Someone who will make them lunches
Someone who will push them on the swing.
Someone to say to goodnight
And Good morning when they awake
Someone who will give them a smile
Someone who will cut up their steak.
Adoption, is a house that becomes a home
When someone is there in times of loneliness
In times of need
In times of life's hurts, and in times of stress
Loving hearts who only want for this child, the best!
To see books that I have written/co-written, please go to: