Sunday, 22 April 2018

The Son is shining through

I invite you to read a poem that I have written.

Cloud covers the sky,
Gloomy and dark
As I sit and sip my coffee,
The cloud starts to part.

There is a break in this dark cloud,
Revealing blue sky and bright light
The sun is shining through the darkness,
Oh What a glorious sight!

Malachi 4:2

To see books that I have written/co-written, please go to:

Wednesday, 18 April 2018

No Longer Lost

I invite you to read a poem that I have written.

God and Psalm 23 inspired me to write this poem.

He provides for me,
And watches over me
He is my Shepherd,
From the hold of sin and death, I have been set free.

He is my Shepherd,
He makes me rest
My Provider,
Oh, how I am blessed!

I was lost,
But now, I am in His sheepfold
My soul is now at peace,
Sin and death have no longer, any hold.

Image result for Jesus the Shepherd
I am a part of His fold,
My sin He has bore
He is my Saviour,
I now go through the eternity door.

My Shepherd keeps watch,
I don't need to fear
Because I know,
That He is near. 

My Shepherd will get me through whatever is ahead,
He can do it
My soul is in His Hands,
His correction, brings protection.

I am His,
And He is mine
Jesus rescued me,
And calls me to come dine.

My Shepherd has anointed me,
I am of His fold
He keeps me close,
He doesn't leave me out in the wold.

I can't capture all His goodness to me,
His mercy is afresh each new day
I have been acquitted,
There is nothing for me to pay.

I am known by my Shepherd,
I am no longer lost
His love is truly immeasurable,
Great, was the cost.


To see books that I have written/co-written, please go to:

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

The overlooked, rejected, merciful Tree

I invite you to read a poem I have written.

The overlooked, rejected, merciful Tree

The Tree of Life and the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil
Were amongst the many trees in the Garden of Eden.
Adam and Eve could eat from any tree, except one,
But they chose to eat from it anyway,
Now their bodies would age, and decay.  

After they had rejected God and His commandment,
And had eaten from the tree that came with death,
They could no longer remain in Eden & eat from The Tree of Life 
Their lives now destined for misery and strife.  
Image result for Jesus the Tree of Life It was a tree, that Jesus was nailed to,
A lifeless dead tree
Used to bring pain and death,
He endured, so that we could be set free.

For many hours He hung on this tree,
His death granting us a New Covenant with His own blood
What sacrifice,
Grace came into the world, as a flood.

He died on this tree and his spirit returned to His Father,
Three days and three nights went by
Having the right to take up His life,
"He has Risen", was the cry!

Beautiful new life bursting forth,
The Son had rose
Ushering in hope and redemption into a dark world,
His Glorious Light glows.

Many of us have, sorrows, pasts, issues, addictions, regrets, anger, bitterness, deep hurt, confusion, a sense of loss, despair or confusion. But we can grow in Jesus – The Tree of Life.

John 20:25-27, Galatians 3:13-14, Romans 8:1-4, Hebrews 9:11-15, 9:16-22, 9:23-28,13:20, Matthew 26:28, John 1:17, Matthew 12:40, John 10:18, Matthew 28:6-7, John 8:12, Genesis Chapters 2 &3

To see books that I have written/co-written, please go to:

Saturday, 7 April 2018

Poem: I am not alone

An invitation to you to read my latest poem.

I am not alone

Step by step, i know that You are beside me,
I am not alone
In every Valley You are my company,
The Living Chief Cornerstone.

Your peace is like rest for a weary traveler,
Your presence is like drops of rain on dry parched land
Your guidance is like the lighthouse protecting sailors from danger,
And Your Majesty is Grand!
Image result for ship at night guided by lighthouse

I am not alone,
You are near
I am not alone,
I don't need to steer.

Ephesians 2:19-22.

To see books that I have written/co-written, please go to: